The selection and storage of potato seeds

The selection of potato seeds: the potato seeds quality has great impact on the future yield harvest and growers’ income. It’s not wise to choose the potato seeds by appearance such as size, the smoothness, freshness and texture should also be considered. When the seeds tuber is held in hand, it shouldn’t be too soft or too hard, rotten seeds are not allowed in all means. Cut the tuber from 0.5cm from the tuber end to check or ring rot, if not found, the tuber is qualified. For premium seeds, the disease resistance is higher, average yield capacity will reach 3.5~4 tons per 667 SQM.

The storage of potato seeds: the seeds should be stored in places with good ventilation condition. When the temperature reaches minu 3~4 degree, the tuber should be covered with some sheets or jut bags to maintain warmth. When minus 6~7 degree, it should be kept in closed rooms. The storage room can not be too hot, there is no way to keep them besides any oven or furnace. The warmest temperature should not exceed 7 degree on which the tuber will sprout to consume nutrition from the tuber, when this kind of seeds are planted, it will be very week and future yield will be limited. After all, the best temperature should be between 0~5 degree.


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